Lala Q&A with Mallyce Miller: The Woman Behind the LA Label LAEKEN

Mallyce Miller is the woman behind quickly-emerging LA-based label, Laeken. Tie-dye, zippers and soft silks occupy her current Fall/Winter 2009 Collection. Lala NYC gets the scoop from Mallyce on her new season, philanthropy and traveling the world.

What is Laeken?
LAEKEN is a place with amazing greenhouses and castles just outside of Brussels. Throughout my life, my travels have taken me to so many beautiful places. I wanted the name of my collection to reflect a beautiful place and I also wanted it to be a place that most people didn’t know well, as I wanted their first association with the name Laeken to be linked to my clothing line and not a conflicting reference.

What was your inspiration for your current collection?

The creation of my 2009 Fall collection was created during a heightened and hopeful time for America as Obama stepped in for a change. The significance of my generation voting our choice of a leader into power and having a “voice” also related to the musical influences of the grunge era and British punk scene in which my collection was also infused with.

What is it about Tokyo Street Style and Australian Sportswear that interest you the most?
When I landed in the busy streets of Tokyo, I felt I had perhaps found the most stylish city in the world. Their street style is insane. I saw that the silhouettes and layering offer a true sense of freedom to create the look and feel that suites the day. In Australia, I loved the casual and flirty look of the edgy sportswear I found on the streets of the major cities like Melbourne and Sydney. It offers boldness and fun through the textured patterns and bright and neon colors which I have used in my spring and fall lines.

Its so wonderful to see your support and participation with Friend of Toms.
I discovered TOMS when I was shopping and came across a pair of their shoes that show Ghandi’s quote:
I discovered TOMS when I was shopping and came across a pair of their shoes that show Ghandi’s quote: “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” That hooked my attention and I headed home to research what TOMS was all about. I loved their message and loved the way they brought the idea of fashion and charity together. I wanted to be part of the change they are creating and decided that a portion of Laeken’s profits will donate to FRIENDS OF TOM. Right now their charitable efforts are going toward eradicating a disease called Podoconiosis (Podo) in Africa, which is 100% preventable when people are educated to wear shoes and given shoes.

Favorite city?

All of the fashion capitals offer so much inspiration every season. As you know I love Tokyo and Melbourne. London is another favorite. Yet truly I find inspiration everywhere. When I was in the jungle of Laos, my mind quieted and inspiration comes from the inside. Portugal with its cozy cafe’s and beautiful beaches is another place that provides the space for creation to percolate.

Best selling pieces?

Definitely, the tie dyed pieces from spring and summer were big sellers. Also a favorite was the high waisted black and grey panel zip front skirt. The racerback silk tanks in bright teal and neon yellow rounded out the favorites. This fall, the striped dyed racerback tank with back zipper, the striped blousy top and the batik dyed dresses are a hit with buyers. The long sleeved knit dress with plaid square buttons feels like you are wearing pajamas, and it is the comfiest dress ever!

Love the tie-dye, when did you begin the tie-dye process for you?

As a shopper myself, I love the organic look of tie dye and batik and love that each garment turns out so differently. When you see 5 of the dresses at a store, you are able to choose the one that works best for you because they are all unique.

One thing that most don’t know about you?

I hear from my family that from the time I could walk, I was sitting in my room creating anything and everything. I’ve been creative and independent from a very early age. I used to throw tantrums and wouldn’t leave the house unless I could wear my denim skirt and high top pastel Reeboks to the fancy parties that my friends went to in velvet dresses and patent leather shoes.

For More Information on the Laeken Collection, log onto
To Shop Laeken, log onto

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