Lala Talks: LOVEMADDS Jewelry

Having a passion for Fashion, culture, and individuality, Madeline Rhodes, began tweaking store bought jewelry to give them her own flaire. Which then eventually grew into her handcrafting her own pieces from scratch to make them just right. This was when Madeline, a hip, young woman from Katonah, NY discovered her own ability to make exquisite pieces and to make waves within the fashion world as an up and coming fashion accessory designer with her brand LOVEMADDS.

LOVEMADDS was established during her freshmen year in college. With no set plan in mind, Ms. Rhodes originally began designing T-Shirts which were selling well, she turned her dorm room into a “mini boutique” and had her customers shop from there. Business began to do so well that the dorm room space was just not enough, she then began hosting “Trunk Shows” in the student union at her college. To Expand from T-Shirts she added simple jewelry, and noticed many customers where flocking towards the jewelry. At the next “Trunk Show” she expanded her jewelry collection and had a very impressive outcome- as no pieces were left. Since then Rhodes focused her attention towards jewelry.

LOVEMADDS accessories are inspired by Madeline’s different experiences and places she has visited. She uses exotic pieces she finds throughout her travels around the world, some of which include Bold Glass Beads she discovered in Sayulita, Mexico and Bell Charms she came across at the Covent Garden in England. Madeline continues to have a LOVEMADDS radar when she travels, zoning into her surroundings and scanning the area for anything she can possibly craft with or make jewelry out of.

The exotic LOVEMADDS accessories have fun names that are chosen from Buddhist and Sanskrit terminology. They all sound appealing to the ear and convey special meanings. Madeline, an eastern theology major, provides each LOVEMADDS piece with a name and its definition under the product description in hopes that people associate the words and concepts with the piece of jewelry they like.

The LOVEMADDS customer is a kind, caring, and compassionate person with a unique style that enjoys supporting independent designers. By designing all of her pieces with positive energy and giving them all positive names, Madeline’s goal is to provide her LOVEMADDS customer with a lifestyle filled with happiness and compassion. She loves interacting with her customers, values their support and interest in her designs. She keeps them in mind with every piece she makes and notes “LOVEMADDS is my way of sharing positive energy that I have with the rest of the universe”

You can purchase a LOVEMADDS piece by visiting or at Love Brigade + Friends located at 230 Grand Street Brooklyn, NY 11211

Written by Erica Razik


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