Lala Q&A with Kristina Tjader: One of the Three Swedish Masterminds behind Dagmar

Stockholm is one of the most interesting places for fashion talent today. The thought process that goes into Swedish fashion is quite different than any other city. There is innovation, imagination and eccentricity. I had the great pleasure to chat with Swedish designer Kristina Tjader, one of the three masterminds behind one of my favorite Swedish labels, Dagmar. Dagmar is a design trio of sisters, Sofia Malm, Karin Soderlind & Kristina, that all have a knack for mixing and balancing the finest fabrics, prints and textures flawlessly.

How do you feel about showing in New York?

We love it. We’ve been here with Susanne for a couple of seasons. I just love New York.

What do you think is the difference between fashion in Stockholm and fashion here in New York?
Stockholm is quite trendy I would say. It’s a special Swedish style which is very strong in Stockholm. We are not really the Swedish style, we are a bit more international because Sweden is very black. And we have a lot of color, so we stand out from the rest of the Swedes. But fashion wise, of course New York is New York.

It’s great because Stockholm is becoming a strong fashion capital. It’s exciting to see all the new designers coming in and infiltrating into New York.
What were your influences in fabric choices?

We call the influence “protection”, because with so many crisis going around, both economically and environmentally. People are scared. I see a trend that people want quality. They go for the slow life instead of face-paced lives. They don’t go out and buy ten pieces, they buy two pieces and they want them to be perfect. Good quality, good fit. So we are focusing on that and using silk, rayon and velvet. And this is merino wool, it’s really nice. We’ve had this quality for seasons and seasons. It stays really well. We also buy it from South Africa. New Zealand has a problem with the mules there. They’re treating the animals really badly. So we are focusing on a lot of things like that. It’s just really important. Another detail is a lot of metal chains and zippers like this dress for example. But we also take a lot of influences from art deco. I love the colors and philosophy.

Whether it be techniques, fabrics, trends, What do you believe will be the next big thing In fashion?
It’s really hard right to say right now. But we are not following trends. We are going our own way but of course we are following the trends we see in the world and around us. The organic quality and way of life is changing the way people are buying. They are not buying just for buying. They are buying quality things.

Favorite city?

I guess I would say New York actually. I love New York! I love the people on the streets because there are so many different people. There’s nice vintage shopping. There’s so many different influences from everything. I like that. In Sweden, its more similiar, everybody goes the same way and looks the same more or less.

With that being said, Sweden must be dying over this collection!

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