I’ve been super interested in herbs for the past year or so. I’ve been experimenting with deep conditioning hair masks, bath teas and even making my own psychic protection sprays. It’s just something that I’ve felt called to do. Hopefully some time soon, I can start a proper herbalist training so I can have a more comprehensive understanding of just how much our plants and our earth is our medicine. I would love to make my own beauty and bath products, too. Some courses can be as quick as six months and get as extensive as three years. I trust that when it is time to take that leap of faith, Divine timing will make it happen.

When I was in San Francisco last October, my dear friend Risa brought me to this awesome apothecary where I bought my first herbal smoking blend. I fell in love. I’m a former smoker and although I do not miss tobacco in my body in the least bit, I like that I have the option to smoke something in a much more healthy, conscious manner – if I feel like it. With herbal smoking blends, it doesn’t taste like tobacco. For the most part, it has an earthly taste and the pull can feel strong at first if you’re not accustomed to smoking. And depending on the herbs that are used, the blend can have extremely calming, meditative effects on the body and mind.

This blend that I’ve made here is what I like to call the “Relax Mami” blend. All the herbs that I chose for this blend are lovely and calming. I can smoke it at night, maybe right before I go to bed and I’ll sleep like a baby. Or if I am feeling a little stressed or my energy is chaotic, this blend helps me level out my own intensity and helps bring me back to center. Smoking herbs has been an ancient tradition of indigenous peoples for centuries. It’s just now as the new paradigm is shifting that we are returning back to the lessons and traditions of our ancestors and incorporating them into our lives for holistic healing and living.

Making your own herbal smoking blend is a simple process, but it does take some time. Here’s what you’ll need to make your own DIY Herbal Smoking Blend in “Relax Mami”.
Wild Lettuce
Rose Buds
Mortar & Pestle
Grinder (optional)
Mason Jar

Making Your Herbal Smoking Blend Recipe:
1. I bought the a few ounces of the herbs that I needed for this recipe from
Mountain Rose Herbs & measured simply using handfuls.
2. Starting with three handfuls of my base which is the Damiana and toss it in my large bowl.
3. Then add two handfuls of my modifier which is Mugwort, Hops & Wild Lettuce. You can pick just two, if that feels right for you.
4. Then one handful of my flavor twist which is lavender & rose. Eyeball one half handful of lavender and one half handful of rose.
5. At this point all my herbs are in the bowl but I need to be grinder by my mortar & pestle. So I throw in my mix into the mortar and grind it down so that it can be smoked and rolled into papers. You can alternatively use a grinder for this.
6. Once the herbs are down to a more manageable size, continue to mix your blend with your hands in your bowl & Voila. You’re done.

Now that you’ve got you’re blend all measured out and mixed in – you’re ready to smoke. You can roll the blend in raw hemp rolling papers or in a vaporizer for an even healthier smoking experience. If you do roll your own cigarettes already – this is a great additive to your regular routine. Store your excess of the blend into a sealed mason jar to keep it fresh. I love this blend and I’m looking forward to making other recipes with different flavors and moods. Maybe an uplifting and revitalizing blend called “Get It, Girl”? We’ll see! While I conjure up the next batch of goodness, let me know if you try out this recipe! Do you love it, hate it? Tell me what you think!
Disclaimer: There may be risks associated with smoking herbal blends according to your health. Please consult your doctor before you make or smoke a blend of your own.
Hey! Is there any website you can recommend to buy herbs at.
Hey Shavanteal – yes, I love Mountain Rose Herbs. https://www.mountainroseherbs.com/ They’re amazing and organic!
Awesome recipe! What I like to do to tone down the harshness is sprinkle flicks of water in the mixture as I make it. Makes a nice smooth smoke and fluffier blend.
Whoa Eugene, that’s an amazing idea! I’ve really got to try that. You’re totally right too, it can be harsh if you’re not used to this type of blend/smoke. Any special ingredients you like to use?
Hey! Did you ever make any more blends? Did you stick with it? Any tips after a few years?
Great post!
Would love to know if you enjoy this smoke blend and how often do you use it?