Palm Trees and an Island Breeze

70s Florals in the Shade, Lala Lopez
Palm Trees

Florals and Palms, Lala Lopez Puerto Rico Palms

Fresh Coconut, Lala Lopez

Night Palms

Puerto Rico


Puerto Rico Palms

Leaning Palm TreeEl Conquistador Resort

Electric Palms

After all of my hours spent on Pinterest and in tropical places, I’ve developed an incessant habit of admiring palm trees. They come in all shapes, sizes, colors, textures and moods. For me, palm trees are reminiscent of my childhood, when I would count down the days until I would board the plane that would wisk me away to my island getaway with my family. Don’t get me wrong, I love New York but there’s this part of me that is always anxious to get up and out to see different things, be with different people and around new energies. It’s what energizes me today.

But really, if for nothing more – palm trees are just super gorgeous to gaze at with all of their beauty. All that lush green and the way that the breeze has their way with their leaves when the wind hits just right. It’s a sweet, sensuous dance between those two – one that I could watch for hours on end.

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