Trusting Where You Are

Trust Where You AreThe other night I met up with a friend I hadn’t spoken to in a while. We exchanged our how are you’s and what have you been up to’s and then the conversation got a little deeper when he said, I hope you don’t take this the wrong way but by now, I would have sworn you would have been featured in Vogue and doing big things. Had I heard this a year, two years ago – this would have crushed me.

I can’t tell you how much time I spent beating myself up, worrying and sick over why things weren’t moving for me in my creative endeavors. Why things hadn’t progressed the way I had dreamed them up to. Why I didn’t have the press, accolades and attention that my peers were receiving. It was so depressing to me that I wasn’t on the same path as everyone else that I started out with. I was in this dark hole, I wasn’t trusting in where I was and no longer felt interested in connecting people with my work. It came to a point that I said you know what? Living in this feeling of waiting on the approval of others to confirm my worth was bullshit. And I couldn’t live like that anymore. So I let go. I let go of attachment to all of it and disconnected.

It was time for me to regroup and rethink what I really wanted from my life. Did I truly want to live up to this unrealistic expectation that I was creating for myself –to fit into this mold that I wasn’t made for? After a hell of lot of inner soul work, I found that the answer was a fuck no. The healing made me realize that my path wasn’t meant to look like everyone’s else and I should celebrate that instead judging myself.

We have these cultural tendencies to place these socially constructed boxes over our lives. We want to have achieved this, find love and marry him or her, start this movement, receive that award by this time in our lives – just trying to fit in to other people’s expectations of who you are. When the truth is you don’t live your life for other people! You are meant to live it for you. It’s your life to make the decisions for you and it’s your life to enjoy!

We can look front, side, back or forwards at everything else other than ourselves but our internal process is always about our own path. If you are not where you want to be right now, that does not mean that the present moment defines your future. I’ve adopted this approach now, where I spend my time working in harmony with the universe to manifest my goals and my dreams. I listen and use my intuition to take the steps I know are necessary for me. I don’t force things that don’t feel right or don’t match my vibration. I trust in my process because I know that the more I trust in myself, the more I am DIVINELY supported.

Next time you may feel doubt or pressure of not being where you’re supposed to be, remind yourself of these things:

1.    I am exactly where I am supposed to be in the present moment.
2.    If I didn’t have the experiences I am having right now, I wouldn’t be prepared for the beautiful things that will be available to me later.
3.    I trust in myself, I work towards my goals, I am honest in my intentions and the universe supports me on my path.
4.    The ego does not dictate where I am headed based on where I am right now.
5.    I love the pace at which I am learning, growing and achieving. (The best way to manifest is through gratitude)

I’m learning each day to turn it around. Anytime that something feels like it isn’t going well, I’m learning to focus on the positive. I hope you trust in your process and let all the beautiful things that life will afford to unfold for you. When any doubts around not being where you want to be creeps up, how do you deal? I’d love for you to share because we can all use more ideas to stay strong, push forward and keep it moving!

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